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Archives by: launchit

What’s The Difference Between Compromise And Settling In A Relationship?

Compromise and  Settling! Am I settling or making a compromise? I often hear this question from my counseling and coaching clients because they want to know the difference between settling and compromise. Settling In a relationship, when you betray yourself or allow others to betray who you are or your core beliefs, such as honesty, respect, reciprocity, and commitment, When


Relationship tips to maintain closeness: Interview

I was recently interviewed by and was thrilled to be able share about my passion and relationship tips for helping couples maintain closeness. I hope you enjoy the article! Marriage Counselor Suntia Smith Inspires Individuals & Couples to Maintain Healthy Personal Relationships Suntia Smith used to work solely with women in her relationship coaching practice. She drew from her


No, Relationship Advice Not to listen From Your Friends or Family. Here’s Why.

For some people, the world is one big support group and advice for good. They bring strangers, acquaintances and co-workers into their most personal challenges. Others are pickier, and they ask very close friends or family members to support them through their tough times. No matter who it is or how you select them, I am here to break it


The Importance of Emotional Healing

Proclaiming your own need for healing has become — I hate to say it — just another cliché and contrived saying. We say things like, “I’m embracing the healing process,” “I need to work on me” or “I’m trying to live my best life,” but do we mean any of it? Or maybe we mean it, but do we know


How Therapy Can Help You Break Free from Toxic Relationships Cycles

Toxic relationships cycles are happening again. Like it did the last time, and the time before. You continue to find yourself in the same frustrating, messy, heartbreaking spot as you always do. Relationship after relationship, it’s always the same: You end up hurt, unhappy or alone. You have suffered enough. It is time you take back your life from the


Peace Over Perfection: The Inspiration

“I’m pushing myself for more, but the more I give the more I am losing myself.” When I look back at these words, I can still feel my own brokenness and exhaustion. Yes, it was more than five years ago, and yes, a lot has changed in my life since then. But I know so well the pain I was


Let’s Talk About Sex

There are times when stress and jobs and kids and mortgage payments suck the joy, the passion, the sexiness out of life. And out of your relationship. You fondly remember those years when sex and romance was just, well, natural. There was kissing, cuddling and make-out sessions that lasted hours. It felt like heat and flirtation radiated off you two.