March 18th, 2017
Happy Weekend! I hope your weekend is shaping up to be fantastic. Even if you have work or chores to do, try to take some time, even if it’s just a few moments, to sit, breathe deeply and remind yourself of how strong, powerful and beautiful you are. And you know what else? You are resilient. You have the ability to find your way back from those hard times and become a stronger version of you.
I’m glad you’re joining me for the weekly round-up. Enjoy!
1. Loving yourself is easier said than done, right? And when you’re single, it can be even harder to quiet the voice in your head that tells you that you are not good enough. Take heart with a few of the tips from this article and if you find you want even more help navigating being single, give my book, Single Woman’s Wake-Up Call a try.
Learn more about Single Woman’s Wake-Up Call.
2. There quite a bit of research that explores the connection between our happiness and our ability to be resilient which allows us to overcome or move past traumatic events or experiences in our lives. The good news? Resilience can be learned.
How People Learn to Become Resilient
3. Who wants to join me in a movement to change those little boxes we check about marital status from “single” to “independently owned and operated”?