The relationship blog

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How to Talk About Serious Issues with Your Spouse

Many of us communicate with our spouses on a daily basis and several times a day, but when it comes to how to talk serious with your spouse, it can be hard to find the right time, the right place or even the right way to effectively convey your message. Discussing “hot topics” is never easy, often least of all


Six Red Flags You Shouldn’t Ignore

In every relationship there comes a point to decide if you’ll go beyond casual to committed or end it and move on. In other words, fish or cut bait. Perhaps you’ve been there more times than you can count, thinking you’re starting a great relationship, only to discover they weren’t the right one. Rather than beat yourself up that you


Pre-marital Prescription for Love

This is such an exciting time – sharing your news with others elicit hugs, happiness and congratulations. There is so much to do before the big day! And it’s going to be a wedding like nobody’s ever seen. The dress, the cake, the party… Hold on! Bridezillas and outrageous dress shopping makes for entertaining TV, but smart couples know that


7 Secrets to a Happy Marriage

The wedding was off the hook – people still talk about the beautiful ceremony, the amazing reception and the picture perfect pair you made. Among your friends and family, you are THE couple – the one that will make it: in love, happy and strong. It’s easy to coast along on that high for the first months or even years


How to Enjoy Life After Divorce

You have come to the heartbreaking decision to end your marriage. Regardless if you or your partner made the first move, it is now your move to position yourself to not only recover, but thrive after this major life event. Whether you have been married only a short time, or built a lifetime together, taking care of yourself is a


Breakup to Breakthrough

Every week I hear from a broken-hearted woman struggling after a breakup. The man she loved, the one she thought was THE one cheated on her. It breaks my heart to hear the pain and sadness behind her words. “Why me? Was I not enough? I loved him, how could he do this?” When you are bogged down by a


The Secret to Being Successful

It would be great if we could envision the life we want today and tomorrow it becomes a reality. But life does not work that way. If we want a successful life, we have to put in the time and effort. The following are my four P’s of success, and they are powerfully vital to having the life you want.