Will I Ever Find True Love?

The short answer is yes! I don’t have a crystal ball, so I can’t say when but I do know it is possible for you to find true love. If you have just left a relationship, especially one that ended with a painful breakup, it’s difficult to believe that you’ll ever find happiness again.

I’ll give it to you straight – happiness is not something you find with another person, it’s what you find within yourself.

Stay with me – many women (and men) fall into the trap of believing that they will be happy as soon as they find that special someone. That type of thinking is a recipe for another failed relationship. The key to finding true love is to be happy with the life you have, and the way to do that is to spend time falling in love with yourself.

After a breakup is the time to think over what it was about the relationship that you liked, and what you don’t want to experience again. It is also the time to think about what you want to change, where you want to be and how you plan to get there. If you jump back into a relationship without taking the time to heal and love yourself unconditionally, you’ll soon see that a new relationship won’t fix those issues.

One of the steps on my Breakup Bucket List e-book is to really look at yourself and see all the wonderful attributes you have. Treating yourself kindly and with respect, building your confidence by trying something new or renewing a lost interest or hobby, reconnecting with family and friends are all ways to increase your happiness and help you realize that you have a great life and plenty to be thankful for without waiting for Mr. Right.

True love? Yes. When you are happy and confident that’s when you shine, it’s like a magnet which attracts positivity into your life. And if you do meet Mr. Wrong, you will strong enough to say “My life is good, why would I mess it up with you” – Oh Yeah!

So, LOVE yourself FIRST and you’ll know when the right man comes along. Believe me, you don’t want “any man” you want to wait on the “right man”. True love is worth the wait!

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