Getting the Relationship You Want
May 21st, 2014
What’s the Secret to Mr. Right’s Heart?
At times, being single can be frustrating, especially if you’re ready to start sharing your life with someone special. Sharing your life with someone you love is an exciting chapter in life therefore you must be prepared and ready when that time comes. And I know you’ve read plenty of relationship advice books and articles. You’ve looked online, offline, and everywhere in between and you think – I am ready but why can’t I find Mr. Right?
Here it is, the big secret that will place Mr. Right’s heart in the palm of your hand:
You have to be Miss Right.
Now before you roll your eyes and write this off as lousy relationship advice, give me the next few minutes to tell you why this is the best secret anyone can ever share with you if you hope to find your soul mate.
Develop Yourself
Unless you truly know who you are and what you want from a partner, you’ll always put yourself in situations where you don’t receive the love and commitment you deserve. And sometimes it is not because your partner can’t give it to you it is because you are not asking for it. When you know who you are and what you want your actions, words and attitude will reflect your confidence.
There are some great ways to go about doing it, starting with:
- Get a Life: Stop spending hours scouring dating profiles and get out there! Socializing with friends, doing what you enjoy and experiencing new things will not only turn you into a more interesting and well-rounded person, but it’ll give you a whole bunch of opportunities to run into your true love.
- Make Goals: Avoid the temptation of trying to find instant gratification of love by quickly entering into a relationships. Doing this can lead to broken relationships, frustration and heartache. Instead, think about where and who you want to be in the next 5 years. Decide – What does your heart really want? and what type of relationship will honor your spirit, values and beliefs? Then make goals that will start you on the path to getting what you want!
- Be Who You Admire: We all have character flaws, and Mr. Right isn’t going to swoop in and change you for the better. As I said before, you have to exemplify the same qualities of the person in which you want to attract. This means, if you want someone who is dependable, then you must be a dependable person. We can’t expect someone to give to us what we don’t have or give to ourselves. Model yourself after those who you display the inner qualities you admire and work on improving yourself. This will go a long way in building your confidence, which any guy will tell you, is incredibly attractive.
Love Yourself
As easy as it is to say it, loving oneself can be one of the most challenging obstacles for many. Women in particular have a difficult time learning to love themselves, and understandably so. After all, there are multiple industries out there that are depending on making us feel inadequate and ugly so that we sink our hard earned dollars into ridiculous fads and quick fixes.
Part of loving yourself is being honest with yourself. Become aware of all of your parts – emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual – so you can begin loving your whole self. emotional As the saying goes, “Everyone else is taken”, so show up and just “Be” present every day of your life. Becoming the best “you” is what will make you Miss Right and will give you those keys to Mr. Right’s heart.
Over to you, I would love to hear your words of wisdom!
What are your secrets to your Mr. Right heart?
So true… Don’t expect to find a perfect man if you’re aren’t perfect yourself.