The relationship blog

overcoming infidelity

Shared Connections

We all share connections with other people in our lives. With those connections sometimes come complications. How we navigate those complications with those we are connected to will have an effect on the outcome. I’m happy you’re joining me as one of my shared connections and hope you enjoy the weekly round-up. Marriage can weigh a lot. Sometimes you need to shift


Love Language

How was your week? Did you celebrate International Women’s Day by reminding yourself how strong and beautiful you are? For today’s weekly round-up, we’re focusing on love. Specifically, your love language with yourself, your partner, and anchoring yourself in love to overcome difficult times. Let’s take a look, shall we? 1. You have to stop watching everyone else and start


Thinking About Feelings

Hello Weekend! Thanks for stopping by my weekly round-up where you can catch up on the interesting articles and quotes that you might have missed on my Facebook page this week. I hope you had a good week and that you have a fabulous weekend ahead. Wondering if your teen is depressed or just moody? Data suggests that depression among



Welcome to the weekly round-up! In this week’s round-up, we have a variety of articles but there’s an underlying theme about trusting. Either finding a way to trust your partner again, or trusting that you can have a successful relationship or trusting that you can happy being single. I hope you enjoy the articles and I’d love to know which


Healthy Relationships, Healthy You

Merry Christmas Eve, friends! I hope you’re enjoying the day with family and friend but that you also take a few minutes for yourself and enjoy my weekly round-up.  Does your relationship include these healthy behaviors? If not, then you might want to take a closer look at what needs to change or if it’s the right relationship for you.


It Takes Work – Weekly Round-up

With all the holiday hustle and bustle, our relationships and time for ourselves can sometime get pushed to the bottom of the priority list. In looking over the articles for my weekly round-up, the theme seems to be that it takes work to take of ourselves and our relationships. Settle in with a cup of hot cocoa and take some