The relationship blog

love yourself

No, Relationship Advice Not to listen From Your Friends or Family. Here’s Why.

For some people, the world is one big support group and advice for good. They bring strangers, acquaintances and co-workers into their most personal challenges. Others are pickier, and they ask very close friends or family members to support them through their tough times. No matter who it is or how you select them, I am here to break it


How Therapy Can Help You Break Free from Toxic Relationships Cycles

Toxic relationships cycles are happening again. Like it did the last time, and the time before. You continue to find yourself in the same frustrating, messy, heartbreaking spot as you always do. Relationship after relationship, it’s always the same: You end up hurt, unhappy or alone. You have suffered enough. It is time you take back your life from the


Peace Over Perfection: The Inspiration

“I’m pushing myself for more, but the more I give the more I am losing myself.” When I look back at these words, I can still feel my own brokenness and exhaustion. Yes, it was more than five years ago, and yes, a lot has changed in my life since then. But I know so well the pain I was


What Dreams Tell Us

I believe in the power of dreams. Dreams are internal signals, guiding us in the right direction. They are spotlights, beacons, and big, bold this-is-a-bad-idea warnings. They are answers to the questions we didn’t we knew we had. Yes, I am a dreams girl, and when I have a dream with a strong message, I listen. That brings me to


Love Is…

Welcome to the weekly round-up. Today I’d like to ask you to take a few moments and sit and think about what it is you love about you and about your life. Remind yourself that it’s not always the big things that are indicators of love. Sometimes it’s the small quiet things. Sometimes it means sitting alone quietly for time


The Happiness Journey

Welcome to the weekly round-up! Time to catch up on some of the posts you might have missed on my Facebook page. It’s also a good time to take a few minutes and reflect on the last week or maybe to reflect on some thing that I’ve posted here that struck a chord with you. Just a reminder that happiness


Emotional Intelligence

How emotionally intelligent are you? Understanding your level of emotional intelligence is an important piece to creating a life you love. Not only for yourself as a person but in your relationships as well. And for your relationships, it’s important to look for a partner who is also emotionally intelligent. Check out our posts for today’s weekly round-up for more



Happy Weekend! I hope your weekend is shaping up to be fantastic. Even if you have work or chores to do, try to take some time, even if it’s just a few moments, to sit, breathe deeply and remind yourself of how strong, powerful and beautiful you are. And you know what else? You are resilient. You have the ability


Love Language

How was your week? Did you celebrate International Women’s Day by reminding yourself how strong and beautiful you are? For today’s weekly round-up, we’re focusing on love. Specifically, your love language with yourself, your partner, and anchoring yourself in love to overcome difficult times. Let’s take a look, shall we? 1. You have to stop watching everyone else and start