The relationship blog

Archives by: launchit

Love Is…

Welcome to the weekly round-up. Today I’d like to ask you to take a few moments and sit and think about what it is you love about you and about your life. Remind yourself that it’s not always the big things that are indicators of love. Sometimes it’s the small quiet things. Sometimes it means sitting alone quietly for time


Be Fearless

Welcome to the weekly round-up. I hope you’ve grabbed the weekend by both hands and have set out to enjoy the holiday! Have a safe and fun Memorial Day with family, friends or just be enjoying time with yourself. 1. There are many factors to take into consideration when it comes to compatibility with your partner. Research suggests that this


Trust The Journey

Sometimes when things are uncertain and we aren’t sure what the future holds, it can be hard to feel settled and grounded. Looking too far into the future can make us feel anxious and looking too far into the past can make us feel sad. Trust the journey that you are on and try to stay present to enjoy and savor


Shared Connections

We all share connections with other people in our lives. With those connections sometimes come complications. How we navigate those complications with those we are connected to will have an effect on the outcome. I’m happy you’re joining me as one of my shared connections and hope you enjoy the weekly round-up. Marriage can weigh a lot. Sometimes you need to shift


The Happiness Journey

Welcome to the weekly round-up! Time to catch up on some of the posts you might have missed on my Facebook page. It’s also a good time to take a few minutes and reflect on the last week or maybe to reflect on some thing that I’ve posted here that struck a chord with you. Just a reminder that happiness


Don’t Just Dream It, Do It!

Hello Weekend! I hope you are enjoying your weekend so far. Take a moment and think about what your dreams and hopes for the future are and then sit down and make a list for how you are working to achieve them. If you can dream, it you can do it but it takes some work and hustle from you.


Emotional Intelligence

How emotionally intelligent are you? Understanding your level of emotional intelligence is an important piece to creating a life you love. Not only for yourself as a person but in your relationships as well. And for your relationships, it’s important to look for a partner who is also emotionally intelligent. Check out our posts for today’s weekly round-up for more


Couples Therapy with Suntia

You need help. Someone to mediate. Someone to translate. Someone to help you explore how things went wrong in your relationship — and how things can go right once again through couples therapy. However, you are anxious about putting your time, emotional energy and the future of your slowly crumbling relationship into someone else’s hands. I get it. Which is