The relationship blog

marriage counseling

Couples Therapy with Suntia

You need help. Someone to mediate. Someone to translate. Someone to help you explore how things went wrong in your relationship — and how things can go right once again through couples therapy. However, you are anxious about putting your time, emotional energy and the future of your slowly crumbling relationship into someone else’s hands. I get it. Which is


Being Present and Aware

Now that the holidays are behind us, I hope you are starting to feel like life is returning to it’s normal routine and that 2017 is turning out to be a fantastic year so far. It’s time again for my weekly round-up where you can catch up on some of the articles I’ve posted on my Facebook page this week.


Do You Deserve Better?

When you’re happy and your needs are being met, you feel content, fulfilled and secure in your relationship. But if your mind starts to wander and think about if you deserve better than what you’re getting, then it likely means that you do deserve better. Your needs matter. Your partner’s needs matter too. If you feel like your needs aren’t


Confronting Your Partner About Infidelity

You suspect your partner is cheating on you, and you can’t keep it in any longer. The suspicion and paranoia are all consuming. You are scared, hurt and very, very angry. However, before you unleash your accusations like a pack of blood-sniffing wild dogs, you must prepare yourself. You need a plan. When most people question their partner about cheating,


Why Date Night Won’t Save Your Marriage

When there is trouble in a relationship, it is common for couples to look for solutions within something comfortable and easy: A night out. You dress up, you make reservations, and you splurge on a nice bottle of wine. Whether it’s an attempt at putting some spark back into the marriage or smoothing over a conflict, you are hoping that