The relationship blog

couples therapist

Trust The Journey

Sometimes when things are uncertain and we aren’t sure what the future holds, it can be hard to feel settled and grounded. Looking too far into the future can make us feel anxious and looking too far into the past can make us feel sad. Trust the journey that you are on and try to stay present to enjoy and savor


Couples Therapy with Suntia

You need help. Someone to mediate. Someone to translate. Someone to help you explore how things went wrong in your relationship — and how things can go right once again through couples therapy. However, you are anxious about putting your time, emotional energy and the future of your slowly crumbling relationship into someone else’s hands. I get it. Which is


Does Marriage Guarantee Monogamy?

In today’s society, getting married is often looked upon as the lifetime achievement award for single ladies everywhere. For some, marriage is believed to be the cure-all for relationship problems. There are thousands of magazines, books, movies and television shows that tell you that once you get married, the frustration of dating, cheating partners and dealing with so many Mr.


Why Date Night Won’t Save Your Marriage

When there is trouble in a relationship, it is common for couples to look for solutions within something comfortable and easy: A night out. You dress up, you make reservations, and you splurge on a nice bottle of wine. Whether it’s an attempt at putting some spark back into the marriage or smoothing over a conflict, you are hoping that