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Does Marriage Guarantee Monogamy?

In today’s society, getting married is often looked upon as the lifetime achievement award for single ladies everywhere. For some, marriage is believed to be the cure-all for relationship problems. There are thousands of magazines, books, movies and television shows that tell you that once you get married, the frustration of dating, cheating partners and dealing with so many Mr.


Are You Trying to be a Superwoman?

The fast-paced world of today has placed a growing amount of pressure and expectations on many women, from being a perfect mother and wife to excelling in her job to keeping a clean and tidy home. Some women have rejected taking the responsibilities solely upon themselves and reach out for help from others. Other women have “accepted the challenge” of


Never Say Never Until You Mean It

It’s easy to make sweeping declarations in the heat of the moment. You’re hurt, embarrassed, even stunned that things went down the way they did. You can vow, swear and promise that you won’t do it or say it again. But as the shock and pain wears off, it’s easy to forget those grand statements. You may start another relationship