how to strengthen your relationship

Relationship tips to maintain closeness: Interview

I was recently interviewed by and was thrilled to be able share about my passion and relationship tips for helping couples maintain closeness. I hope you enjoy the article! Marriage Counselor Suntia Smith Inspires Individuals & Couples to Maintain Healthy Personal Relationships Suntia Smith used to work solely with women in her relationship coaching practice. She drew from her […]


Forgive & Forge Ahead

We all make mistakes, and we all endure the mistakes of others. Carelessness, forgetfulness, callousness, selfishness, disrespectfulness — all the nesses. These are usually errors in judgment, accidental blunders, or misunderstandings. They can feel hurtful, cruel, and malicious for those on the receiving end. That’s why forgiving is so hard. And that’s why forgiving and forgetting is nearly impossible. Despite […]


How to Fight Fair In Your Relationship

There are times when disagreements turn into wars. And you are prepared to drop some bombs. If your relationship has become a war of words, watching this video is a chance for you to begin revitalizing the loving connection you have with your partner. It’s an opportunity for long-term change that brings respect, communication and trust back into your relationship. […]


Make Your Love Last

Your relationship is pretty good. Make Love Last:  You still make each other laugh, cuddle, and feel loved. However, even in seemingly happy relationships, couples get stuck. Maybe it’s been a slow fade or a quick switch, but you and your partner are on two different pages (of two different books in two different languages), and no matter how hard […]


3 Reasons Relationships Fail

Attitude is everything. You’ve heard this before. Your middle school basketball coach probably even said it during a pre-game speech, or maybe it was the mid-level manager at your very first job. But have you ever applied that motto to your relationships? If you haven’t, well, it’s time to start. When I see couples who have the right attitude, there […]


How Do You Know If You’re Ready For Marriage?

It will take you months to pick a wedding venue. It will take you weeks to pick the dress. It will take you days to address the invitations. Whether you are engaged or engaged-to-be-engaged or simply dreaming of the day your man gets down on one knee, you have probably thought more than a minute about wedding planning… the venue, […]


Determine Your Direction

When life gets hard or confusing, it might difficult to know what to do. It’s important to remember that you are the one who determines the direction of your life in even in the face of adversity. Getting what you want and creating a life you love takes courage. And remember, courage isn’t about not being afraid. It’s about being […]


Couples Therapy with Suntia

You need help. Someone to mediate. Someone to translate. Someone to help you explore how things went wrong in your relationship — and how things can go right once again through couples therapy. However, you are anxious about putting your time, emotional energy and the future of your slowly crumbling relationship into someone else’s hands. I get it. Which is […]