The relationship blog

self growth

Peace Over Perfection: The Inspiration

“I’m pushing myself for more, but the more I give the more I am losing myself.” When I look back at these words, I can still feel my own brokenness and exhaustion. Yes, it was more than five years ago, and yes, a lot has changed in my life since then. But I know so well the pain I was


What Are You Made Of?

Welcome to the weekend! I hope you have some fun and sun planned and I’d like to wish all the dad’s out there a very Happy Father’s Day. For today’s weekly round-up post, I am sharing a few posts that will make you think about who you are, who you want to be and what are you made of. This


Be Fearless

Welcome to the weekly round-up. I hope you’ve grabbed the weekend by both hands and have set out to enjoy the holiday! Have a safe and fun Memorial Day with family, friends or just be enjoying time with yourself. 1. There are many factors to take into consideration when it comes to compatibility with your partner. Research suggests that this


Trust The Journey

Sometimes when things are uncertain and we aren’t sure what the future holds, it can be hard to feel settled and grounded. Looking too far into the future can make us feel anxious and looking too far into the past can make us feel sad. Trust the journey that you are on and try to stay present to enjoy and savor


Embrace Your Singlehood

Here’s all the goodness you might have missed this week on my Facebook page. This can be a hard time of year to be single so this week’s round-up will focus on why it’s good to embrace your singlehood. So, settle in and let yourself enjoy being single right now. Who says you can’t spoil yourself this holiday season? There’s


Single Woman’s Wake-Up Call – Giveaway!

I’m thrilled to announce the release of my book, Single Woman’s Wake-up Call, which is now available for purchase on Amazon. This is a practical and down to earth guide to help move you out of regret, fear and guilt to the first steps toward more passion and fulfillment in your life. In this book, I will help you leave


Choose This Life

“Choose this life. Choose this body. Say yes to all of it. Say yes to the beauty and the good and the ugly and the difficult. Choose what you have, what you are. Choose this moment. Choose to love and remember. You are full. You are alive.” ―Kimber Simpkins